Blog entry by helenrollo helenrollo

Picture of helenrollo helenrollo
by helenrollo helenrollo - Wednesday, 7 September 2022, 5:52 AM
Anyone in the world

Hearing the fox's words, Xi Xi's eyes lit up and he nodded to the red hibiscus, which really helped them a lot. The red hibiscus doubtfully poked out half of its head from the "armor" to see how the fox could bring it back to life. The fox took out a golden dogtail grass from his bosom, and the red hibiscus quickly shrank back. Last time, it was choked by a dogtail grass seed. The fox plucked a piece of fluff from the middle and blew it into the nose of the black horse. The black horse's eyes suddenly opened, as if he had drunk enough water, and then miraculously stood up, his shiny mane like a layer of oil, very smooth. Red hibiscus turned off the umbrella and leaned out. "Is it really back?" "Not bad." The fox answered hurriedly, patted the horse's buttocks, and motioned it to show its strong four hooves. The black horse jogged around with small steps, which seemed to have a more elegant charm than before. Xi Xi and Chi Jin looked at each other and relaxed their vigilance. A cool breeze rose from the ground, the sky suddenly changed, a flash of lightning hit, three people closed their eyes at the same time, only to hear a "click" west of a thunderstorm shaking the ground, and then the thunder continued. Be careful of being struck by lightning! Xi Xi threw a rock on the back of the hand of the red hibiscus holding the diamond umbrella. When the red hibiscus let go of his hand, the thunder struck the steel umbrella handle,Horse weight lbs, and the umbrella surface, which had just been white, became dark in an instant! The black horse was frightened by the thunder and ran toward the front crazily. At this time, the fox's line of sight stayed on the red hibiscus all the time. Seeing that she was safe and sound, he loosened his fist. Red hibiscus sees the black horse that runs wildly, can't help exclaiming: "The front is-!" The black horse suddenly disappeared on the slope ahead,Fish measuring board, only to hear a muffled sound, and the long hiss disappeared completely. The cliff! Red hibiscus heart is unwilling to finish this sentence, linked together is "the front is a cliff ah!" But it's all too late. With a helpless wry smile, the fox wanted to come forward to explain, but was regarded as a naked provocation by the red hibiscus. You perverted flower God! Is it funny to play tricks on people like this! Turned my hair into dog's tail grass last time! Pretending to be a good man and drugging my black horse this time! And deliberately triggered lightning to strike me! Red hibiscus roared, her voice drowning out the roar of thunder. Watching Xi Xi and Chi Jin disappear in the rain with their luggage on their backs and running like the God of plague, the fox was stunned. After a long time, he shook the drops of water on his body like a dog and murmured, "It's not easy to realize your wish. No wonder so many demons simply choose to marry each other." 21. City of Shemales June 28, Beginning of Autumn, cool breeze to, day value month break, event is not suitable. The God of happiness is northwest, tape measure clip ,cattle weight tape, the God of fortune is southwest, and the God of wealth is due east. The Chinese parasol cries outside the city, and when it is ugly, the sky is full of stars. Is this the Empty Mountain? Xi Xi muttered to himself in disbelief. She unloaded her bags and stood outside the city gate with the red hibiscus, waiting for the city gate to be opened. It has been more than a hundred years since the city of Wutian was built around the foot of Kongkong Mountain. Shu Kong Tang is on the top of Kong Kong Mountain. Only the officials of the imperial court and the disciples of Shukong Hall can enter. Red hibiscus looked enviously at the lighthouse at the top of the dark mountain range in the distance. "That's the empty tower, which has not been extinguished for more than a hundred years. It is said that the fire in the tower can purify evil spirits and maintain the order of the human world and the demon world." Two hundred years ago, it was just a nameless town, so poor that beggars didn't want to stay here and went to the neighboring city to beg for food. She lived in a dilapidated stone house in Kongkong Mountain with ten masters. She earned money by catching demons day and night. Occasionally, she wanted to show filial piety to the masters. She also wanted to fly more than ten miles to buy wine and meat in big cities. Mother! You see! The stars in the sky are so beautiful! So many beautiful colors! With a long tail! Not far away, the little girl dozing in her mother's arms rubbed her eyes and exclaimed, pointing to the stars in the sky. The cat is good. It's not a star. It's a demon exterminator flying in the sky. The young married woman replied as she continued her needlework. She was embroidering a handkerchief with a Mandarin duck on one side. There was a bamboo basket in front of her, in which dozens of embroidered handkerchiefs and silk threads of various colors were neatly folded. Businessmen like her, who were going to go to the city to do small business, sat on stone benches in twos and threes. Perhaps they felt that they had a kind face. She held the little girl in her arms and sat on the stump beside her. She meditated and never stopped working. Xi Xi and Chi Jin could not help but look up and see several colorful lights gliding through the starry sky, which must be the magic weapon for the exorcism masters. They're all flying out of the city. I guess they're on a mission. Red hibiscus can not hide the desire of the heart, infinite reverie: "One day, I will fly in the air, hey, you say there will be children think I am a star ah?" "Oh." Xixi touched the sword between her boots. The last time she drove the newly awakened sword, it fell into a deep sleep again after being chased down by the Shark Man in Wuliangshan. It could only be used as an ordinary dagger. Now she was at the foot of the empty mountain, and from time to time she could feel the breath of the past sword, the purple electric sword, but that breath was very weak, and it appeared and disappeared, and she could not really determine where the purple electric sword was. Red hibiscus has long been accustomed to the past not salty not light response, suddenly caught a glimpse of a thin dog's tail grass under the stone bench, psychological inexplicable panic up, neurotic glanced around, to make sure that the boring and unreasonable fox is not here, a sigh of relief. According to the usual practice, every year Beginning of Autumn, the hall began to empty for three days to sign up for the selection, red hibiscus shoulder the sustenance of the family, has long calculated his birthday eight characters in the first day of registration, that is, the most auspicious day of Beginning of Autumn. But three days ago, the only horse was "driven to death" by the fox, without a mount, and in order to save travel expenses, they had to buy a broken boat instead of walking,Pi tape measure, two people day and night and journey rotation row, finally before the hull fell apart, Beginning of Autumn arrived in the early morning.

[ Modified: Wednesday, 7 September 2022, 5:52 AM ]