Course Listing

Course Image Business Analysis
Offer Price:  ₹ 4000   1600/- 

Business Analysis is a systematic process of identifying needs in an establishment and devising means to achieve such requirements to ensure continuous organizational improvement and for sustained growth. Although most often the solutions are in the form of Information system and software applications, it may also simply be a procedural requirement.
This eLearning session covers skills that a typical Business Analyst needs to possess and the tasks they would need to complete for successful Business Analysis, such as:

  Assess overall business needs
  Study organizational structures, processes, procedures and methods
  Evaluate tasks and resources
  Investigate existing Business Systems
  Identify gaps, problems, new opportunities for growth
  Design appropriate solutions 
  Present findings to Management
  Assist in development and implementation (especially testing)
You will benefit from this course if you seek information on what entails Business analysis as an up and coming Analyst or if you are a senior developer, project manager or a technical leader who aspires to upgrade your skills.

Course Image Risk Management

Offer Price:   ₹ 2000   ₹ 800/- 

This course is specific to calculating and preparing for risks that occur while managing projects.  Starting with the importance of differentiating between problems, issues and risks, this course provides clear and detailed steps to identify, prepare, analyze and mitigate project risks. The Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) method is used as the basis for instruction and application of case studies and exercises for better understanding of the subject. 

Course Image Requirements Engineering

Offer Price:  ₹4000   1600/-

In the realm of software systems, a requirement is a need necessitated by users of the system to solve a problem or perform a function. The primary goal of any system is to ensure that these needs are fulfilled. Requirements Engineering is a methodical and iterative execution of three main steps – elicit (discover & establish) requirements, define specifications (document interactions of the system with various entities) and validate them (verify the feasibility of designing a system to meet the needs).

Ken’s online course in Requirements Engineering will provide a comprehensive understanding of this subject explained in simple terms with relevant examples. At the end of the course, the student will know what process and steps to follow in order to perform this important function in software engineering.

It is tailor-made for business analysts, business managers and members of their team, business change managers and project managers.

Course Image Pipeline as Code Using Jenkins
Offer Price:  ₹ 800  ₹ 600/-

On the Jenkins website, the definition for this phrase is as follows:” Pipeline as Code describes a set of features that allow Jenkins users to define pipelined job processes with code, stored and versioned in a source repository. These features allow Jenkins to discover, manage, and run jobs for multiple source repositories and brancheseliminating the need for manual job creation and management.” 

This course uses Jenkins, an open source tool to automate activities such as build, test, package & deploy, which are generally considered typical stages of a software delivery pipeline.

Participants will learn :

  •     How to build their first CI/CD [Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery] Pipeline
  •     Current Industry best practices such as Pipeline as code
  •     How to use an automation tool such as Jenkins

Software developers, systems analysts, software managers and technology managers are ideal students for this course.

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 ("POSH Act") was enacted as a comprehensive legislation to provide a safe, secure and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every woman.

Course Image Information Security Awareness for IT & System Administrator

This is description for the Information Security Awareness course for IT & System Administrator.

Course Image Information Security - Module 2

This is description for the Info Security-Module 2 Course for ACL Mobile created on 05 October 2020.

This is description of the Information Security course created for ACL Mobile

Course Image POSH - Employee Awareness

Offer Price:  1499   ₹ 999/-

The POSH Act was instituted to promote a safe workplace for women by ruling sexual harassment in these contexts a punishable offense. It is also mandatory for all places of employment to create awareness about what entails sexual harassment through training and sensitization sessions and to provide methods of addressing complaints and issues related to sexual harassment.

Ken is a leading provider of information and support for POSH education. The course on POSH comprehensively covers all topics relevant to the subject starting from an interpretation of the law, what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace, responsibilities of employers and employees in every organization, the role of the internal committee etc. Both Case studies which enunciate learning and a serious game which increases understanding is part of the course.

Course Image Business Communication Skills
Offer Price:   800/-

Communication skills, the ability to interact with others to convey what’s in your mind, are important attributes to possess since we live in a social environment. In an organization, these skills are specialized and unofficially mandatory for proper etiquette and acceptable behaviors. Ken’s collection of courses under this category covers typically required competencies in written, presentation, customer service in a business environment.

Under Business Communication Skills, the essentials of email communication & telephone conversations are taught. Style, tone and proper construction of texts are reiterated through exercises and case studies.

Course Image Handling Difficult Customers
------------ Course Price: ₹ 650 ------------ 

Every workplace irrespective of size or type of product or geographical location will have a diverse range in the type of customers, who differ in personality, demeanor and style. A patron maybe seen as difficult because of verbal abuse, bullying, constant complaining, knows too little or too much about the products on offer, impatient etc.

To be able to remain collected and calm while dealing with customers, present oneself with self-confidence and to be equipped with in-depth product knowledge are fundamental requirements of customer service personnel.

This e-learning course provides an abundance of examples and scenarios to train you on how to overcome challenges posed by clients and even impress them.

Course Image Customer Support Over the Telephone
------------ Course Price: ₹ 650 ------------

Multi-channel customer communication is on the rise and companies are grappling with the right mix of channels to raise service levels. Phone calls still remain the medium of choice among customers to reach out to companies with complaints and service requests. Some advantages of phone calls are said to be :

  •   Ability to establish connection with a live person
  •   If hold times are short, fastest and best method of obtaining authentic information and answers    to queries
  •   Multiple issues that may be related can be solved at one instance
The course on this topic teaches students phone etiquette, appropriate responses, ways to think on your feet, phrases to avoid, methods to employ to defuse stressful calls, etc.

Course Image Effective Presentation Skills

------------ Course Price: ₹ 600 ------------

Making presentations customized to the receiving audiences is key to conveying your message accurately. The same content will need to be presented in different ways depending on who is listening. Developing and delivering presentations is a dynamic mix of the visuals, the script and spontaneity. Even experienced individuals continuously learn from every presentation they make.

This course offered by Ken is a practical guide, filled with tips and tools that can be learned and applied to maximize the effectiveness of every presentation. It covers content development to feedback collection and everything in between.

Course Image Customer Retention Skills
------------ Course Price: ₹ 600 ------------ 

In customer-focused organizations, retention or keeping customers for sustained periods yields better results than acquiring new customers. According to the Harvard Business Review,  “Depending on which study you believe, and what industry you’re in, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one….  If you’re not convinced that retaining customers is so valuable, consider research done by Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company (the inventor of the net promoter score) that shows increasing customer retention rates by 5% increase profits by 25% to 95%.”

The criticality of learning customer retention strategies are therefore evident.

Ken’s course on this topic presents approaches that can be directly applied to the job made easily understandable with real-life scenarios and examples.

Course Image Effective Team Player

------------ Course Price: ₹ 600 ------------

Making an effort as a group to achieve a common goal improves efficiency, boosts individual morale due to improved camaraderie and overall increases productivity. Every member of a team has a role to play and it is necessary to acknowledge and value every individual’s contribution to achieving the team’s goals. There are certain types of desirable skills and characteristics to be a team player.

This course will help you hone those qualities that will make you an effective team member. The focus is a practical application to on-the-job situations.

This is description for the Capacity and Performance Management Course.

Course Image Goal Setting
------------ Course Price: ₹ 850 ------------ 

It is common knowledge that setting goals have many benefits both for individuals and for organizations as a whole. Goals provide a direction and a purpose and break up intimidating activities into achievable projects. They improve self-confidence and push us onward towards a better end. 

However, as fruitful as goal setting can be, getting down to actually putting them on paper requires deliberate thought to both the goals themselves and the ways and means of achieving them.

Ken’s course on setting goals, provides context to goal setting, draw up a road map of activities leading up to set them, as individuals and as a part of an organizational team. Tips and advice on follow up actions, monitoring, control and steering toward set goals are also covered in the course.

Course Image Competency Mapping

------------ Course Price: ₹ 750 ------------

For any given job, on one hand, there is a set of required competencies to complete the job well and on the other, a set of available competencies in current employees who perform this job. Competency mapping is an HR exercise which takes inventory of these two types of competencies and compares them, in order to identify gaps (if competency is required but currently unavailable among employees). Such gaps could be solved if they are trainable. It can also be used to identify employees with misplaced skills and help identify a career path more appropriate to their skills.

Hence, competency mapping is a win-win for the entire business.

Ken’s course curriculum covers strategies and methods to conduct such an exercise, starting with job analysis and takes you through the exact steps to benefit from such mapping.